– Kuasa Junior exists to provide Early Childhood Education for children of the local community in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. However, we welcome children of all nationalities, ethnicities and religions.

– In order to enter Kuasa Junior, children must be at least 4 years old before the academic year. We maintain our rolling enrollment policies throughout the year. Kids may enroll, accordance to their age and subject to class availability, at any time trough out the year. Kuasa Junior reserves the right to make adjustments in individual student’s placement based on their developmental capabilities.

– Parents understand and fully support Kuasa Junior’s philosophy and policies.


a) To attend all lessons and classes as pre-schedule (unless for any medical/health reasons approved or verified by the doctors/medical personal)

b) To participate actively in all activities, events and programs

c) To obey the kindergarten rules and being a good person to one another

d) To be able taking care their own toileting needs including no longer needing to use diapers or for Playschool group, they have at least a (beginning awareness) of their toileting needs.

e) To attend the Evaluation Test and Trial and should there be any issues regarding the child’s development or if there seems to be no noticeable progress in the particular area/issues, the parents may be consulted by the teachers to work out a temporary plan to address the situation.


1 ) Mykid/ Birth Certificate / Passport (photocopy).
2) Immunisation record (photocopy).
3) Registration form.